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Neues Geisel-Video der Hamas: Emotionale Appelle der Angehörigen

  • NUR FÜR AFP-ABONNENTEN (NO RESALE) TEL AVIV, ISRAEL 27. APRIL 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 1. 00:00-00:06 Totale supporters of the families of the Gaza hostages around a Passover table, their hands painted red 2. 00:06-00:11 Nah supporters of the families of the Gaza hostages around a Passover table, their hands painted red 3. 00:11-00:16 Halbnahe supporters of the families of the Gaza hostages around a Passover table, their hands painted red 4. 00:16-00:21 supporters of the families of the Gaza hostages around a Passover table, their hands painted red GAZASTREIFEN, PALÄSTINENSISCHE GEBIETE DREHTAG UNBEKANNT QUELLE: HAMAS MEDIA OFFICE 5. 00:21-00:43 Bildsequenz video posted on Hamas's Telegram channel on April 27, 2024, showing two men identifying themselves as hostages Keith Siegel and Omri Miran, speaking in Hebrew, calling for a deal to be reached soon for their release. Keith Siegel says: "My name is Keith Siegal. I'm 64 years old. I want to tell my family that I love you very much - it's important to me that you know that I'm fine and I really hope you are too. I have very, very beautiful memories of last year's Passover that we all celebrated together - and I really hope that we will have the best possible surprise. We are in danger here, there are bombs, it is stressful and scary and it has been going on for a very long time and I wonder and think to myself until when? Sometimes there is a feeling that things are being smeared - I appeal to the Prime Minister and the entire government to participate in the negotiations in order to reach a deal soon. I hope that all the abductees will soon return home to their families as you are with your families. I have seen the demonstrations in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem several times and I hope and believe that you will all continue. Goodbye and hopefully it will happen soon." Omri Miran says: "The situation is unpleasant, difficult, there are many bombings. My name is Omri Miran, I am 47 years old from Kibbutz Nahal Oz. My dear family, I miss you all, my father, my brothers, my sister, my beloved Leeshay, Roni and Alma my dear daughters - this year, we were unable to celebrate any holiday together because of this damn war. And I really hope that at least the next holiday - Independence Day - we can all celebrate together. I've been here in Hamas captivity for 202 days - the situation here is unpleasant, difficult, and there are many bombs. It's time to reach a deal that will get us out of here safe and healthy. I want you to do everything you can and press in every possible way - keep protesting, so that there will be a deal now!" TEL AVIV, ISRAEL 27. APRIL 2024 QUELLE: HOSTAGES AND MISSING FAMILIES FORUM 6. 00:43-00:57 O-TON 1 - Ilan Siegel, daughter of hostage Keith Siegel (Frau, Hebrew, 14 Sek.): "Seeing my father today only emphasizes to all of us how much we must reach a deal as soon as possible and bring everyone home. I demand that the leaders of this country watch this video and see their own father crying out for help." 7. 00:57-01:03 O-TON 2 - Aviva Siegel, wife of hostage Keith Siegel (Frau, Hebrew, 5 Sek.): "Keith, I love you, we will fight until you return." TEL AVIV, ISRAEL 27. APRIL 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 8. 01:03-01:07 Totale supporters of the families of the Gaza hostages around a Passover table, their hands painted red TEL AVIV, ISRAEL 27. APRIL 2024 QUELLE: SATVIEW.TV 9. 01:07-01:09 O-TON 3 - Dani Miran, Father of Omri Miran (Mann, Hebrew, 2 Sek.): "(Adressing Hamas leader in Gaza Yahya Sinwar) Show humanity and you will find that our Cabinet (of War) will be with you, I am convinced of this. All the people of Israel and the nations of the world want to see an end to the bloodshed and especially an end to the suffering of your people." 10. 01:09-01:27 O-TON 4 - Dani Miran, Father of Omri Miran (Mann, Hebrew, 18 Sek.): "(Adressing Hamas leader in Gaza Yahya Sinwar) Show humanity and you will find that our Cabinet (of War) will be with you, I am convinced of this. All the people of Israel and the nations of the world want to see an end to the bloodshed and especially an end to the suffering of your people." TEL AVIV, ISRAEL 27. APRIL 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 11. 01:27-01:30 Halbnahe counter showing the number of days the Gaza hostages have been held 12. 01:30-01:35 Panorama supporters of the families of the Gaza hostages gathering at the hostage square in Tel-Aviv 13. 01:35-01:38 Halbnahe two people holding hands 14. 01:38-01:43 Halbnahe two people embrace in Tel Aviv's Hostage Square 15. 01:43-01:48 Halbnahe sign reading "You are not alone"

Videos zum Israel-Krieg

Israel und Hamas dämpfen Hoffnungen auf baldige Waffenruhe

NUR FÜR AFP-ABONNENTEN (NO RESALE) CHAN YUNIS, PALÄSTINENSISCHE GEBIETE 7. APRIL 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 1. 00:00-00:06 Totale destroyed buildings next to a road where Gazans are walking 2. 00:06-00:09 Nah destroyed buildings next to a road where Gazans are walking 3. 00:09-00:14 Totale Gazans walking on a destroyed road 4. 00:14-00:20 Panorama view on the widely destroyed city 5. 00:20-00:28 Schwenk von rechts nach links destroyed buildings and rubble JERUSALEM, NICHT DEFINIERT 7. APRIL 2024 QUELLE: GPO (GOVERNMENT PRESS OFFICE) 6. 00:28-00:46 O-TON 1 - Benjamin Netanjahu, israelischer Ministerpräsident (Mann, Hebräisch, 18 Sek.): "Die Erfolge des Krieges sind beachtlich. Wir haben 19 von 24 Hamas-Bataillonen ausgeschaltet, darunter ranghohe Kommandeure. Wir haben viele Hamas-Terroristen getötet, verwundet oder gefangen genommen. Wir haben die Al-Schifa-Klinik und viele andere Terrorzentralen gesäubert. Wir haben Fabriken zur Herstellung von Raketen, Kontrollräume, Waffen und Munition zerstört. Und wir zerstören weiter systematisch, was sich unter der Erde befindet. Wir sind nur noch einen Schritt vom Sieg entfernt." " BRÜSSEL, BELGIEN 5. APRIL 2024 QUELLE: DC POOL EINSCHRÄNKUNGEN: NUR REDAKTIONELLE VERWENDUNG USA AUSGESCHLOSSEN AUSTRALIEN AUSGESCHLOSSEN NO ACCESS FROM CUBA / IRAN / SYRIA / NORTH KOREA / SUDAN / CRIMEA 7. 00:46-00:53 O-TON 2 - Antony Blinken , US Secretary of State (Mann, English, 7 Sek.): "It's very important that Israel is taking full responsibility for this incident. It's also important that it appears to be taking steps to hold those responsible accountable. Even more important is making sure that steps are taken going forward to ensure that something like this can never happen again." RAFAH, PALÄSTINENSISCHE GEBIETE 7. APRIL 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 8. 00:53-00:55 Totale tents in Rafah in the south of Gaza as the Israel-Hamas war enters its seventh month 9. 00:55-00:57 Halbnahe Rafah in the south of Gaza as the Israel-Hamas war enters its seventh month 10. 00:57-01:00 Halbnahe Rafah in the south of Gaza as the Israel-Hamas war enters its seventh month CHAN YUNIS, PALÄSTINENSISCHE GEBIETE 7. APRIL 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 11. 01:00-01:07 Totale wisps of smoke rise into the sky 12. 01:07-01:11 Totale wisps of smoke rise into the sky 13. 01:11-01:16 Totale wisps of smoke rise into the sky
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