

Bundestagswahl 2021

Aktuelle Videos zur Wahl

Borrell verurteilt "Einschüchterungen" gegenüber Internationalem Strafgerichtshof

NUR FÜR AFP-ABONNENTEN (NO RESALE) BRÜSSEL, BELGIEN 26. MAI 2024 QUELLE: EBS 1. 00:00-00:03 Halbnahe meeting room of Ministerial International Partners meeting on Palestine 2. 00:03-00:08 Halbnahe Josep Borrell, EU Chief of diplomacy, during the meeting 3. 00:08-00:11 Schwenk von rechts nach links meeting room of Ministerial International Partners meeting on Palestine DEN HAAG, NIEDERLANDE 20. MAI 2024 QUELLE: ICC 4. 00:11-00:17 O-TON 1 - Karim Khan, ICC prosecutor (Mann, english, 6 Sek.): "Sinwar, Deif and Haniya not only planned and instigated the crimes committed on the 7th of October, 2023 in our submission, they also acknowledged their responsibility through their own words and by their actions. They are charged both as co-perpetrators and as superiors. " ---------------------- 5. 00:17-00:20 6. 00:20-00:24 BRÜSSEL, BELGIEN 27. MAI 2024 QUELLE: EBS 7. 00:24-00:57 O-TON 2 - Josep Borrell, EU Chief of diplomacy (Mann, English, 33 Sek.): "I want to say that we have to respect the work of the International Criminal Court. We have to respect the work of this institution and let the court, without intimidation, to decide what they think about this initiative. Unhappily this is not the case. The prosecutor of the Court has been strongly intimidated and accused of anti semitism, as always that every one does something that Netanyahu government doesn't like." JERUSALEM, NICHT DEFINIERT 20. MAI 2024 QUELLE: GPO (GOVERNMENT PRESS OFFICE) 8. 00:57-01:05 O-TON 3 - Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister (Mann, English, 8 Sek.): "The outrageous decision by the ICC prosecutor, Karim Khan, to seek arrest warrants against the democratically elected leaders of Israel is a moral outrage of historic proportions. It will cast an everlasting mark of shame on the international court. " BERLIN, DEUTSCHLAND 19. FEBRUAR 2024 QUELLE: GERMAN POOL 9. 01:05-01:08 Totale Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission and Friedrich Merz, president of the CDU, during the press conference 10. 01:08-01:11 O-TON 4 - Friedrich Merz, president of the CDU (Mann, German, 3 Sek.): "We are delighted that you are ready to stand for another term of office at the European Commission, and we strongly and sympathetically support continuing to see Ursula von der Leyen at the head of the European Commission in Europe." "Wir freuen uns sehr über deine Bereitschaft für eine weitere Amtszeit zur Verfügung zu stehen in der Europäischen Kommission und wir begleiten das mit großer Sympathie, mit viel Unterstützung, dass wir auch in Europa weiter Ursula von der Leyen an der Spitze der EU Kommission sehen können." WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, USA 20. MAI 2024 QUELLE: US DEPARTMENT OF STATE 11. 01:11-01:16 O-TON 5 - Matthew Miller, US State Department spokesperson (Mann, English, 5 Sek.): "The United States fundamentally rejects the announcement today from the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court that he is applying for arrest warrants for senior Israeli officials together with warrants for Hamas terrorists. There should be no equivalence between Israel and Hamas. None. Hamas is a brutal terrorist organization that carried out the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust and is still holding dozens of innocent people hostage, including Americans. " WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, USA 22. MAI 2024 QUELLE: DC POOL EINSCHRÄNKUNGEN: NUR REDAKTIONELLE VERWENDUNG 12. 01:16-01:20 Halbnahe US President Joe Biden greets Kenya’s President William Ruto upon his arrival at the South Portico of the White House 13. 01:20-01:25 Halbnahe US President Joe Biden greets Kenya’s President William Ruto upon his arrival at the South Portico of the White House BERLIN, DEUTSCHLAND 5. MAI 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 14. 01:25-01:30 Nah police vehicle with the Brandenburg Gate in the background 15. 01:30-01:36 Nah the Brandenburg Gate quadriga with details of police vehicle
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  • Politikdpa

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  • PolitikAFP

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  • Politikdpa

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  • Nachrichtendpa

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  • Nachrichtendpa

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  • PolitikAFP

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  • PolitikAFP

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  • PolitikAFP

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